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Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Blissfully married (second try - picked a younger, quirkier one this time), left-wing (but raised in Alberta so I lean a little to the right at times), somewhat opinionated (hah!) mom to two daughters, Mitchie and Nyckee, Ima to Chaeli and Carson.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sunday ramblings

This has been a loverly weekend! Just hanging out around home with Mr X, but it was tonnes o' fun.

Friday night Nyk dropped Chaeli off for awhile while she went shopping, so that was fun. Yesterday Mr X went to a snowmobile rally an hour or so away for a few hours and I cleaned a bit and watched Little Miss Sunshine. I loved it so much I made Mr X watch it with me last night. It amazes me that some people don't love that movie. I adored it.

This morning we had a heated discussion about blood diamonds or something profound like that, did the Myers-Briggs tests online (Mr X pulled out ISFJ and I was ENFJ, though I don't think that's what I usually am) then went out for brunch.

This afternoon Mitchie and I watched Miami Ink (I still want my tattoo) while Mr X worked on a jigsaw puzzle, I found some shoes on ebay that I must have, and I had a fabulous talk with my sister on the phone.

Nyk came over this evening to discuss wedding invitations and she and Mr X laughed at me because the Steve Irwin show made me want to cry. I see a tragedy; they see a guy who played with fire and ended up fried. Wah. When she left, we went downstairs to work out. Now we're winding down and I'm trying to decide how high I'm willing to go on the Pradas on ebay. And I'm on my second bag of Goodies this weekend. Work out, eat a bag of Goodies. Work out, eat a bag of Goodies. Maybe I should just start smoking again. Hah. Don't think so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also loved Little Miss Sunshine. I watched it with K and then made G watch it with me about a week later. Fantastic in so many ways and finally I can feel that the Oscar folk actually watched the movie as its up for about 3. I saw The Queen on the plane home from Houston today - another must see. I think I'm going to make you my home page. You are the highlight of my day when there is something new on here.

6:06 PM  
Blogger SB said...

Tag! You're it! (Read my blog for details)

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you recently quit smoking? I was craving a cigarette this week and I haven't smoked in years. I haven't had a puff of a cigarette since July, but I just wanted one so bad. But like you, I'll stick with other vices (white wine for me).

7:01 PM  

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