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Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Blissfully married (second try - picked a younger, quirkier one this time), left-wing (but raised in Alberta so I lean a little to the right at times), somewhat opinionated (hah!) mom to two daughters, Mitchie and Nyckee, Ima to Chaeli and Carson.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Al Gore is Hot

So, tonight is appetizer night. Then we'll exercise. How silly. We should be having celery sticks then exercising. Actually, I'm having some low-fat egg rolls so that shouldn't be too scary. However, Mr X made some haystacks (unbaked chocolate oatmeal cookies) so I most definitely will have to wear those off on the elliptical.

Did I mention that we moved the bowflex, the elliptical and the exercise bike downstairs so we can have a table in our dining room like regular people? It actually works out rather nicely. We have a tv with all the channels down there so it's not too bad. Puddy is afraid of the basement; we're not really sure why, but he just lays at the top of the stairs and looks sad until we come up again and he just freaks out if he accidentally finds himself downstairs. Maybe our ghost is freaking him out.

It's fun having Mr X join me on the exercise train this year, especially since Mitchie abandoned me a few months ago. She still seems to be losing weight though and looks like a toothpick by now. Don't know how she's pulling that off. I think it's the beer and ciggie diet. Not recommended for 40-somethings, though.

Mr X had a bit of excitement this week. I think it was Tuesday noon he phoned me and said he'd just been in an accident at work. He's driving a semi these days, so accidents are scary. He was turning left off the highway and someone decided to pass him. The guy was driving a small car, but miraculously just hit the tire at the back of the cab. Mr X said if the guy had hit him a split second later he would have gone under the trailer and the top of the car would have been ripped off. It's the first time Mr X has ever been in an accident so it was a bit freaky. I'm so thankful everyone is okay. It sure reminds you how life can change in just a split second.

We had a bit of a 'do with Chaeli this week, too. Her erstwhile father decided he was going to come pick her up for the weekend. He hasn't seen her since August. Good grief. Fortunately his plan was to take her to his sister's house for a family Christmas. His sister is a decent person and has a son Chaeli's age, so it actually went quite well. We were so worried about how Chaeli would react to him picking her up -- would she even know who he was?-- but it was okay. She seemed happy enough to see him and he returned her on time and in one piece, so I guess that's as much as we could hope for. Actually, we were hoping he would just go away forever, but it seems that's not going to happen. Oh well, the more people Chaeli has loving her, the better, right? Maybe he'll actually start paying Nyk, too. Time will tell. It's just SO good to have her back home. We all missed her so much!

Mr X and I watched Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth this afternoon, something I think everyone should do. It was really quite inspiring. We were talking earlier today how easy it is in small town Saskatch to ignore the whole reduce/recycle phenom, but how it's still important to do what we can in our own little circle. Our recycling program in this town is very lame, but we'll try!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I just read all of your blog and loved every page of it. If I had the slightest bit of affection for the cyber world this would be the perfect outlet. Your humour and insight are so entertaining. I will be checking back so please keep it up. I was talking to K. on the phone this evening when I first entered this world and I shared it with her. We were chuckling together. She especially enjoyed "Boots, boots, boots".
With much love.
P.S. I haven't seen this movie yet but we recycle everything around here and I hate the days I have to drive to work. I hardly buy gas anymore since I changed jobs:-)

7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Mr. X is okay. Very scary!

6:26 PM  

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